Build dozens of vaguely amusing,
mostly impractical, but always
educational micro:bit projects.

Designed for the micro:bit

The micro:bit micro-controller has opened up a whole new world of physical computing to everyone. It's the best way to learn how to build interactive projects with a wide range of sensors and actuators.We wrote this book to get you started making with the micro:bit. Get ready to create and code amazing projects that light up, make noise, move, and talk (via radio).

The book features over 20 hands-on projects where you can learn to code, play with electronics, and build cool things!
Step-by-step instructions coupled with MakeCode's block-based coding makes this book extremely easy for anyone to pick up.
We're a key partner of Singapore's Digital Maker Programme since 2016, and we have trained over 800 teachers and 10,000 students
Whether you're a tinkerer, educator, or student, this book is perfect for you.
MicroMag: I would highly recommend this book. I've really enjoyed reading through the projects and trying a few out myself.

Hands-on Projects

The book features over 20 hands-on projects where you can learn to code, play with electronics and build cool things!

About Us

The book is written by Tinkercademy, a team of engineers and educators who teach coding and tinkering to schools, corporations, and the public in Singapore. Tinkercademy brings an unparalleled depth of experience in education and technology (with a healthy dose of fun and silliness) to their classes and curriculum. Our vision is that everyone should be empowered to enjoy creating with technology.A key partner of Singapore's Digital Maker Programme since its inception in 2016, Tinkercademy has trained over 800 teachers and 10,000 students and even created our own micro:bit Tinker Kit, now in the hands of thousands of students worldwide.


The book is designed to allow anyone to learn physical computing through step-by-step instructions that cover and the block-based programming used in Makecode.

For Anyone

The book is designed for anyone. Whether you're an educator, a tinkerer or a student, the book allows you to learn by guiding you through a range of chapters that get more difficult as you go along.The book is broken down into the following chapters:
- 01 - Hello World
- 02 - Getting Started
- 03 - All On Board
- 04 - Keep Track With Variables
- 05 - Connecting Things, Making Noises
- 06 - External Outputs
- 07 - External Inputs
- 08 - Lights, Loops, and Lists: Using the Neopixel/WS2812B light strip, and loops and lists coding constructs
- 09 - Moving Things: Using continuous servo motor, stepper motors and DC motors
- 10 - Things Talking: Using the radio module and going online with the IoT:bit
- 11 - Controlling Things: Using relays and transistors
- 12 - Recap
- Appendix A - Exploring Coding Platforms
- Appendix B - Exploring Hardware Platforms